FRM Module has 3 Separate Connectors Two 51-pin connectors connect the main wiring harness. Another 26-pin connector is for the connection to the dashboard.
Used on:
BMW E81, E82, E84, E87, E89, E90, E91, E92, E93, E70, E71, E72 series
and Mini R55, R56, R57, R58, R59, R60, R61 series.
FRM3 can fail when jumpstarting, when coding/programming, or even when reading codes with dealer equipment.
Symptoms of failed Footwell Module are:
Light switches do not work
Windows do not go up or down
Few lights like parking lights are constantly on
Turn lights do not work
FRM, Footwell Module is responsible for:
Fog lights
Front courtesy lighting
Rear courtesy lighting
Number-plate light
Power windows
Exterior mirrors
Two stepper motor controllers, aka adaptive headlight stepper motors
Two belt feeder controllers
One connector is from the door side, and two connectors are on the back, from the firewall side.
How it Works:
How Do I Remove it?:
Follow this guide on how to remove the module out of your vehicle for shipping or repairs:
How to Remove FRM Module?